Guest Information

6:30 AM - Sunset


Monday | 7:00 AM - Closes Two Hours Before Sunset

Tuesday | 8:30 AM - Closes One Hour Before Sunset

Wednesday-Sunday | 7:00 AM - Closes One Hour Before Sunset

 Last bag of range balls will be sold one hour before sunset everyday except Mondays.

Small Bag | $7
Large Bag | $13

**Driving range balls are not included in the greens fees.

Putting, chipping greens and practice bunkers available for all players.

Hit off of grass tees Mondays - Thursdays.

Hit off of mat tees Fridays - Sundays. 

Dress code applies.


  • Fully stocked golf shop with clothes and equipment
  • Locker facilities for men and women
  • Showers for men and women
  • No towels provided for men's and women's showers


  • $75.00 
  • Callaway
  • Men's rights and lefts
  • Women's rights and lefts
  • No junior sets available for rent.

Location: Once turning right on to Scenic Ranch Circle the Clubhouse will be to your left. Turn left in the THIRD entrance by the Tennis Courts, and the bag drop is forward near the golf shop.

The golf course has at gate at the entrance of the sub division. You will need to enter the Left Visitor Lane and check in with the guard. They will give you a day pass to enter Heritage Ranch.

DRESS CODE | Standard Golf Attire

  • Proper attire is required for all players on the course and practice area.
  • Shirts must be worn at all times on the course and within the social area of the Club.
  • Men's and boy's shirts must have collars or mock neck. Shorts must be of Bermuda-length or a style specifically designed for golf.
  • Ladies' and girl's sleeveless tops must have a traditional or sports neck collar. A collar is optional on tops with sleeves. 
  • NO t-shirts, tank tops, cutoffs, athletic attire, jeans 

Club Management reserves the right to refuse golf privileges to anyone it determines to be in violation of the dress code.

  • Soft spikes only allowed on the course.
  • Metal spikes are not allowed on the course.
  • Shoe rentals are not available.
  • Changeovers are not available.
  • Tennis shoes are allowed on the course.